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Breakfast the American way, and then …

Posted by on 08.04.2009

I met my friend Sarah at Lansky’s at Columbus and 70th street this morning where Sarah bought me breakfast. For approximately 7 dollars (ca. NOK 45) I got two eggs, some bacon, fried potatoes, brown toast and as much coffee as I could drink. By Norwegian standards this is not very expencive and it’s easy to understand that many people prefer to start the day eating out. To my knowledge this is not at all common back home. There are of course some that will have their morning coffee and a bagel at a bakery or coffee shop in Oslo, but they are not many.

Hotelroom view in New York

Hotelroom view in New York (click image for large version)

After breakfast I went camera shopping. My “old” IXUS camera has its limitations and I wanted to move to the next level. The next level is not SLR (no:speilrefleks), but a more advanced compact camera with better optics and more sophisticated software. This will by it self not make me at better photographer, but it will provide more possibilities. The enhanced optics will also give me more flexibility when choosing targets for my pictures.

The rest of the day was spent in my hotel room writing a paper for my speach at a conference next week, catching up on my emails and charging the batteries of my new camera. I can’t wait to get out tomorrow and start shooting pictures! til then I’ve added a picture of the view from my room …

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