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Taiji summer course

Posted by on 28.07.2009

The annual Norsk Taiji Senter summer course started Wednesday 24th of June. Some of us got an early start and arrived at Haugtun around noon. By 18:00 we were all there and shared a lovely dinner prepared by our hosts at Haugtun.



Haugtun - Our room for indoor practice and meditation

Haugtun - Our room for indoor practice and meditation

As you can see from the pictures; Haugtun is a beautiful mountain farm. The weather was fantastic throughout our stay and I got myself a nasty sunburn on my shoulder already on the first day …

I’ll show some of my favourite pictures in this article, but if you want to see the all you can find them at my account on

The program at the summer course is pretty tough. We start every morning at 4:30 with meditation. After that we do some Qigong practice and the Taiji form a few times. Then we have about 1,5 hours break before breakfast.

After breakfast we practice Taiji and Qigong the whole day and after we finish in early evening most of us went to sleep pretty soon; we needed all the sleep we could before the wake up call at 4:10 next morning …

Practice at Haugtun

Practice at Haugtun

Golden rooster stands on one leg

Golden rooster stands on one leg

Bagua sword practice - Hilde means business ... :-)

Bagua sword practice - Hilde means business ... 🙂



The last day of our course we went to one of the local peaks; “Spåtind”. The walk up from the cars is roughly 1,5 – 2 hours through classic Norwegian mountains terrain. The view from the top is spectacular. When we arrived at the top it was time for food. We brought packed lunches, coffee and tea. After lunch it was time for some practice.

Our teacher and my beloved friend Pamela

Our teacher and my beloved friend Pamela

Vibeke at the top - in the background you can see Jotunheimen

Vibeke at the top - in the background you can see Jotunheimen

Lunch at Spåtind

Lunch at SpåtindLunch at Spåtind

Lunch at Spåtind

Lunch at Spåtind

Practice at Spåtind

Practice at Spåtind

Taijiquan at Spåtind

Taijiquan at Spåtind

Finally we got everyone together for a group shot at the mountain top!

The Spåtind experience

The Spåtind experience

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